contact us @ 720-642-1108 [email protected]

Benefits Analysis


Your Benefits Analysis Report


Our Benefits Analysis Report is the primary tool we use to give federal employees detailed information about their personal benefits scenario. This report is compiled using information that we gather from you. We use specialized software to generate a personalized report that outlines all the various components of your federal retirement benefits:


  • CSRS/FERS Annuity
  • Survivor Benefits
  • Federal & State Taxes
  • Social Security Supplement
  • FEGLI – Federal Employee Group
  • Life Insurance
  • FEHB – Federal Employees Health Benefits
  • FLTCIP – Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
  • TSP – Thrift Savings Plan
  • Eligibility and Service

Click on the Request button to have us contact you about a Benefits Analysis Report. Clicking on this button will send you to our standard request form – be sure to click the checkbox stating you wish to take advantage of our benefit analysis feature. By clicking that box, it will inform our scheduling department to contact you to set up a specific meeting with our benefit analyst to set you up for a benefit analysis.

Click on the Sample button to see an actual report and notes from one of our benefit experts as to what discussions may help you make a difference – to take the best advantage of your federal benefits.

We use a two meeting process to gather your information (meeting #1), create your report using our federal benefits software and then sit down with you to walk through all the details of your report (meeting #2). We will spend as much time with you as necessary to address any complicated aspects of your benefits and make sure you understand everything in your report.



5944 S. Kipling Ste 302
Littleton, CO 80127
Email directly at :
[email protected]


Investment Advisory Services offered through Redhawk Wealth Advisors, Inc., and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Redhawk Wealth Advisors, Inc. and the Federal Employee Benefits Center are not affiliated.

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